

Zara The Lonely Dragon

There once was a dragon named Zara, who lived in a cave on a mountain. She loved to fly and breathe fire, but she was lonely and bored. She had no friends to play with, and no one to talk to.

Read in BAHASA : Zara, Naga yang Kesepian

One day, she decided to leave her cave and explore the world. She flew over forests and fields, rivers and lakes, towns and villages. She saw many different animals and people, but they all ran away from her in fear. She wondered why they were so afraid of her, and why they hated her so much.

Read tooAbout me 

She flew until she reached the sea, where she saw a ship sailing on the water. She was curious and flew closer to take a look. She saw a boy on the deck, who was looking at the sky with a telescope. He had brown hair and green eyes, and he wore a blue shirt and a red hat. He looked friendly and brave.

Zara decided to say hello to him, and flew down to the ship. She landed on the mast, and greeted the boy with a roar. The boy was startled and dropped his telescope. He looked up and saw the dragon. He was scared and amazed at the same time.

"Hello, I'm Zara," the dragon said. "What's your name?"

The boy hesitated, but then answered. "I'm Leo," he said. "Where did you come from?"

"I came from the mountain," Zara said. "I wanted to see the world. What are you doing here?"

"I'm on an adventure," Leo said. "I want to explore the sea. I'm looking for a treasure island."

"A treasure island?" Zara asked. "What's that?"

"It's an island full of gold and jewels and secrets," Leo said. "It's hidden somewhere in the ocean. I have a map that shows the way."

"Can I see it?" Zara asked.

"Sure," Leo said. He took out a rolled-up paper from his pocket and showed it to Zara. It had a drawing of an island, with a red X marking the spot.

"Wow, that looks amazing," Zara said. "Can I go with you?"

Leo thought for a moment. He was afraid of the dragon, but he also felt sorry for her. She seemed lonely and bored, just like him. He decided to take a chance and befriend her.

"Okay, you can come with me," Leo said. "But you have to be careful. Don't scare the other people on the ship. They might not like you."

"Okay, I'll be careful," Zara said. "Thank you for being nice to me. You're the first friend I ever had."

Leo smiled. "You're welcome," he said. "You're the first dragon I ever met."

Read too : Hutan Ajaib

They laughed and talked for a while, and then set off to find the treasure island. They had many adventures and challenges along the way, but they also had a lot of fun. They learned a lot from each other, and became the best of friends. They realized that they were not so different after all, and that they shared the same dreams.

They finally reached the treasure island, and found the gold and jewels and secrets. They were happy and excited, but they also realized that the treasure was not the most important thing. The most important thing was their friendship, which was more valuable than anything else.

They decided to share the treasure with the other people on the ship, and with the animals and people they met on their journey. 

They also decided to keep exploring the world, and to have more adventures together. They lived happily ever after, as the best of friends.

Story from
Conversation with Bing 
Pic AI Design by Audy Jo 




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