

The Wedding Waltz


In a quaint little village, nestled amidst rolling hills and blooming orchards, lived an elderly couple named Evelyn and Harold. 


A Couple’s Solution

Audy Jo

Tom and Audy loved Christmas, and wanted to make their apartment as festive as possible.


The Healthy Choice



Audy Jo

Anna was a busy woman who worked as a lawyer in a big city.  She had a lot of clients and cases to handle, and she often had to work late at night. 


The Family Day


Audy Jo

It was a rare occasion for the whole family to be together. They had been busy with their own lives, but they decided to make time for each other and have a family day. 


The Family Reunion


Audy Jo

It had been a long time since the family had seen each other. 


A Trip to Remember


    A Trip to Remember

     Rani had always dreamed of visiting Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. She had seen pictures of its skyscrapers, monuments, museums, and malls, and wondered what it would be like to experience them in person. 


    Air Bersih


    Audy Jo

    Pas judulnya! Ketika lagi bingung mencari isi konten yang mau ditulis. 


    Hasil Pergantian Cuaca


    Audy Jo

    Woek ... woek! Hampir tiap pagi,  subuh deh mulai ramai! Bukan suara bayinya hehehe. Suara batuk berdahak.




    Hati Bulan Oktober

    Menggerakkkan jari jemari untuk memulis, mengisi blog rasanya sedikit seret!


    AJPena Online Class

    Buletin My World

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